Space Bunnies?

So, there was a joke made in my bio bit about space bunnies. While not on the top of my "to do" list I cannot let an idea pass without considering it. The quick doodle to the right was done minutes after reading the comments and then snapped by camera phone (I'm at the office). It's by not means what a final space bunny design would look like, but it does demonstrate a way to take the key features of "bunny" and working them into something alien.

I was thinking that an alien like this might not even be a true mammal. It would be some alien life form. The "ears" might not be part of its anatomy at all and could be simply sensory extension on the battle armor or even modified into some sort of thruster for a jump pack. Of course, it could also be armored housings for some sort of sensory organ attached to the back.



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